Don’t Leave Home Without These Essential Winter Items

If you live in New England, it is safe to assume that it will snow during the winter. While some Rhode Islanders love the thought of winter and everything the season offers, Hunter Insurance would like to remind individuals that snow and ice can present immediate dangers to motorists if they are not prepared.

“Whether you are dealing with snow, ice, or simply frigid temperatures, they can all have an impact on your vehicle and your family’s overall safety,” said Brian Hunter, President of Hunter Insurance. “Arguably, the best way for motorists to prepare for winter-related issues on the road is by having an emergency car kit available at all times.”

One of the biggest causes of automobile accidents in the winter are typically attributed to a loss of visibility, Hunter says. Other winter-related concerns that may arise include being stuck in snow or being stranded somewhere because the cold temperatures drained your car’s battery. To help motorists prepare for these winter-related issues and others, Hunter Insurance is sharing a list of essential items you should be carrying in your vehicle that can help you arrive home safely:

Ice Scraper

Ice scrapers are essential items for removing thin layers of ice that can block your view of the road. It is important not to leave home without one.

Snow Shovel

A small snow shovel can help motorists remove snow that is preventing their tires from getting good traction. It can also be used to remove snow buildup behind your tires.

Rock Salt

Motorists are encouraged to bring rock salt with them because it can be used to help your tires gain traction. Alternative solutions include having sand or kitty litter available.

Jumper Cables

Colder temperatures can drain a car’s battery very quickly. Motorists can prepare for this issue by having jumper cables ready, and finding someone who might be willing to give your vehicle a jump.

Blanket, Gloves, and Other Winter Essentials

If it snows, there is a good chance you will be spending more time outside than you had hoped. Your outdoor expedition can be made more tolerable if you have gloves, blankets, and bottled water available.

Hunter Insurance has been offering quality insurance products for over 25 years. With an understanding of the biggest obstacles motorists encounter this time of year, we encourage you to share this list to help your family and friends stay safe this winter. Learn about other topics we’ve addressed and our full list of insurance products by visiting

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