Chimney Fires Are Completely Preventable

A cleaning can save families thousands in repair costs

Chimneys are responsible for roughly 20,000 home fires every year, according to the Chimney Safety Institute of America. As families begin using their heating systems more often amid the dipping October temperatures, Hunter Insurance encourages families to have their chimney swept by a licensed professional.

“The first week of October is usually dedicated to chimney safety, and it is for a good reason,” said Brian Hunter, president of Hunter Insurance. “Fires from chimneys can cause catastrophic damage to a home if they are not extinguished promptly, but the positive news is that these seasonal fires are entirely preventable.”

Fire safety experts suggest that homeowners get an inspection done every year to ensure the safety of their family. Yearly inspections are recommended because it doesn’t take too long for blockages to build in chimneys or liners, especially if homeowners are burning wood that creates more creosote than should be expected.

Pine wood is one type of wood that creates an excess of soot and the highly flammable creosote, which are byproducts of burning wood. Hunter says it is better to hire a certified specialist to clean your chimney because of the health dangers both substances can present. “Cleaning the chimney in most scenarios is not a do-it-yourself project. Chimney cleaners have specialized equipment to remove hard-to-reach deposits of soot and creosote, substances which are known to have chemicals that are harmful to a person’s health,” Hunter said.

With fire and smoke damage repair costs averaging $12,727, homeowners can help protect their finances and the safety of their family by simply cleaning their chimney on a yearly basis.

“This is the time of year when we begin to see an increase in home fires from a variety of different sources,” Hunter said. “Given the current season, it would also be worthwhile to tell families to replace older fire alarms and to establish an emergency escape plan in the event of a fire.”

Although these types of fires are typically covered under homeowners insurance, a claim cannot bring back loved ones or replace items of sentimental value. For this reason, Hunter Insurance encourages families to take precautions today to prevent a fire from happening in the first place.

Helping protect families from financial loss for more than 25 years, Hunter Insurance can provide competitively priced auto, home, and business insurance. Call us today at 401-769-9500 if you are interested in strengthening your current insurance policies.

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