Is It Bad to Leave Your House While an Appliance is On?

We’re all busy and multi-tasking helps us cram much into our packed schedules. Who hasn’t left for work after throwing the laundry in the dryer? Or programmed the dishwasher to run after everyone has gone to bed? What about starting a load of laundry while you run to the store so it’s ready for the dryer when you return? Well, you’re not going to like the answer to our above questions. The fact is, it’s BAD to leave your house while an appliance is still on. Faulty appliances cause about 9,600 residential house fires a year. The Federal Emergency Management Association (FEMA) states it also causes an estimated 25 deaths, 525 injuries and $211 million in property loss. If you’re not home during the first few seconds of an emergency, your house could go up in flames. Here’s a list of the household appliances that can cause substantial damage if they are left on when no one is home: Stoves and Ranges Careless cooking fires are one of the leading causes of household fires in the United States. According to reports from the United States Fire Administration, nearly one-third of all home fires begin in the kitchen area. Cooking is also the leading cause…