The Facts About Car Seats and Boosters

Car seats and boosters provide protection for infants and children in a crash, yet crashed are a leading cause of death for children ages 1 to 13. That’s why it’s so important to choose and use the right car seat correctly every time your child is in the car. Follow these important steps to choose the right seat, install it correctly and keep your child safe. Find the right car seat Car Seat Types Learn about the four types of car seats, while keeping in mind the following tips: As children grow, how they sit in your car will change. Make sure you use a car seat that fits your child’s current size and age. Not all car seats fit in all vehicles. Make sure the car seat is the right fit for your vehicle (PDF, 1.77 MB). Test the car seat you plan to buy to make sure it fits well in your vehicle. Buy a car seat that can be installed and used correctly every time. Rear-Facing Car Seat The best seat for your young child to use. It has a harness and, in a crash, cradles and moves with your child to reduce the stress to the child’s fragile…