What to Do Before a Tropical Storm or Hurricane

Credit: National Weather Service The best time to prepare for a hurricane is before one strikes. It is vital to understand your home’s vulnerability to storm surge, flooding, and wind. Here is a checklist of things to do BEFORE a hurricane is in the forecast. Know your zone: Find out if you live in a hurricane evacuation area by contacting you local government/emergency management office or by checking the evacuation site website. Put together an Emergency Kit: Assemble a basic emergency kit. Check all emergency equipment, such as flashlights, generators, and storm shutters to be sure they are in proper working order. Write or review your Family Emergency Plan: Before an emergency happens, sit down with your family or close friends and decide how you will get in contact with each other, where you will go, and what you will do in an emergency. Keep a copy of this plan in your emergency supplies kit or another safe place where you can access it in the event of a disaster. Start at the Ready.gov emergency plan webpage. Review Your Insurance Policies: Review your insurance policies to ensure that you have adequate coverage for your home and personal property. Understand NWS…