What to Do After a Car Accident

by Main Street America Insurance An auto accident, whether a major collision or a fender-bender, can be upsetting and very scary. Take a deep breath and realize you can’t undo it, but you can manage a smooth recovery by following these four easy steps. Protect Yourself and Your Passengers When the vehicle stops moving, safety should be your first concern. Here are some things you can do to protect yourself and your passengers: Check yourself and your passengers for injuries. Call 911 for any needed medical assistance. Move your vehicle out of the way of others if it’s still in the road, if possible. Be aware of the traffic around you and only exit the vehicle if safe to do so. Notify police of the accident. If your car is not drivable, call for roadside assistance, which may be included as part of your auto insurance policy. Don’t admit fault in the accident or share your policy limits with anyone. Even if the damage is only minor, do not leave the scene of an accident until the police arrive and tell you it is alright to go. Gather Information Once you have checked on the safety of your passengers and your vehicle,…