Do I Need Extra Insurance for my Pool?

To add an extra layer of protection, the Insurance Information Institute (III) says pool owners should consider purchasing a personal umbrella policy. An umbrella insurance policy provides liability coverage above the limits of your homeowners policy. Umbrella protection begins when you’ve exhausted the required underlying insurance amount of your homeowners policy. We can help you determine whether you have appropriate protection in place on your underlying policy to help prevent a gap in your coverage. If you have a pool or you’re planning to install one, it’s a good idea to let us know, the III says. While pools are typically covered by homeowners insurance policies, you’ll probably want to review your coverage to make sure you have the right amount of protection in place. By choosing appropriate insurance coverage and limits, you can gain the peace of mind that comes with knowing you have protection in place just in case a mishap occurs. You might be surprised how affordable an umbrella policy could be. Call us today at 769.9500 to learn more.