The Coronavirus Pandemic Has Sparked Renewed Interest in Life Insurance

The heightened risks of COVID-19 make life insurance a logical choice for protecting your love ones. The pandemic is not excluded from life insurance. If someone were to contract the virus and the illness leads to death, it is still covered by a life insurance policy. However, anyone who has had symptoms, tested positive, or been exposed to anyone with COVID-19 may be subject to a waiting period before they are able to obtain a life insurance policy. Life insurance normally covers death due to any cause, regardless of time and place. (There is one exception for suicide within the first two policy years.) Those who have no-preexisting conditions may not even have to get a medical exam for term or permanent life insurance. However, if you do have a health condition, do not let that deter you from applying for life insurance. Securing a life insurance policy is always a smart move. If you are the breadwinner for your family, it ensures that your loved ones will be provided for in the event of your untimely death. If you are a business owner, life insurance prevents a family-owned business from floundering financially should you prematurely pass. As a result…

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