Happy to Partner with Our Community
This past month, we were pleased to host and participate in two great community events. Our annual Shred-it event was a huge success. We shredded over 6,000 pounds of paper and collected 545 canned goods for the St. James Church Food Pantry in Manville. Catholic Financial Life Insurance Local Chapter 42 donated a dollar to the Pantry for every canned good collected … up to $500.00! Thanks so much for the tremendous community support! Also, this past Saturday, our Agency was one of the sponsors of the Town of Lincoln parade to celebrate the 150th Anniversary of the founding of the Town. The town of Lincoln formed in 1871 and what better way to celebrate than with a parade. The parade route started on Smithfield Avenue and winded its way over to Great Road and ended at Chase Farm Park. Hunter Insurance was proud to support this celebration.