Checking Tire Pressure
Did you know a properly inflated tire will provide longer life, better steering response, fuel efficiency and a smoother ride? A lot of important things (including yourself) are riding on you keeping those tires up to snuff and that’s why MAPFRE Insurance is showing you how simple and easy it is to check your tire pressure. Begin by checking your tires when they are cold or a few hours after you’ve driven. This will give you the most accurate reading. Take the cover off your tire valve stem and press the tire pressure gauge onto the valve stem of your tire. When you hear a “pssst” sound, that’s air escaping the tire. Once you press down, the air escaping should stop. If you’re using a “pencil” style tire gauge or the type at most gas stations, the gauge will “pop” out and show a measured number in PSI. PSI stands for pounds per square inch. This number is determined by your vehicle’s manufacturer and lets you know if your tires are properly inflated. Compare the measured PSI to the PSI found on the sticker inside the driver’s door of your vehicle or in your car’s owner manual in the “tires”…