Car Theft Prevention Tips
According to the National Insurance Crime Bureau, over 930,000 vehicles were reported stolen in 2021. With reports continuing to rise across the United States, many people are left wondering what they can do to prevent car break ins. From simple safety tips to devices you can use to boost your car’s security, we have a few car theft prevention tips that can help you avoid disaster. Safety First Our first tip may seem obvious, but it’s something that’s easy to forget when we get busy or distracted – safety first. Following these basic safety rules can help keep you out of sticky situations and prevent car break ins: Lock your doors – whether you’re grabbing some milk or leaving your car overnight, ensuring your doors are always locked is important to protecting your assets. In most cases, thieves are looking for an easy target. When they check your doors and find them locked, they’re far more likely to walk away and find another, more vulnerable, vehicle. Park in well-lit areas– if possible, pass up the sketchy, dark parking lot in favor of something well-lit and busy. Thieves don’t want to attract attention, so they’re less likely to take a chance on…