Insuring Your College Student

The college school year is just around the corner, which means there is a lot on your to-do list to help prepare your student for success. But besides shopping for the usual clothes, books and bedding, don’t forget to add the most important task: insuring their belongings. College students own a long list of expensive items – computers, printers, iPods, TVs, etc. But living in a dorm or university community allows for ample opportunities for theft or damage. According to a survey conducted by the Independent Insurance Agents of America, Inc., (IIAA) more than 100,000 property crimes on college campuses are reported to police each year, and thieves steal an average of $1,250 in student property per theft. At Hunter Insurance, we want to inform you of two types of ways that you can use an insurance policy to protect your student for the upcoming school year: Using Your Homeowners Policy: If your child lives in a dorm or other college-owned property, their possessions are typically covered automatically against loss, theft, and damage under your homeowners policies. However, coverage is often limited to only 10 percent of the policy’s coverage for contents. Therefore, if your policy covers contents for $100,000, the…