Tips to Stay Safe During Snowmobile Season

Winter weather is officially upon us, and for many people that means it’s time to break out the snowmobiles and head to the nearest winter recreation spot. It’s a popular activity, and for good reason: Snowmobiling allows you to explore natural areas that may be hard to access by foot (or snowshoe), and provides a different kind of excitement than skiing or hiking. Of course, snowmobiling presents some dangers as well. At Hunter Insurance, we want you to make it home safely after your day in the snow. Please review the below safety tips from the American Council of Snowmobile Associations to help keep you safe: SPEED: Speed is a major factor in many snowmobile crashes. Always keep your speed slow enough to ensure that you’re in control. ALCOHOL: Use of alcohol or any other drug that causes impairment is a leading cause of snowmobile-related fatalities. It’s best to refrain from any use at all before and during outings because of potential effects on vision, reaction time, balance and coordination. When combined with excess speed in particular, the results can be deadly. AVALANCHE: More than 90 percent of the time, avalanches that involve people are triggered by the victims. Learn…