Do you need insurance for an e-bike?

Content provided by: Simple Bike Insurance Recently we’ve gotten a lot of questions about whether bicycle insurance is required for individuals who own e-bikes. Let’s break this down into two sections and get into the details, shall we? Part One: Is it legal to ride an e-bike without insurance? If you’re located in the United States, yes, but only if it falls within one of the classes below. If you’re in Europe or another country, the laws may be different. We’re only going to touch on the United States for now. Class 1 E-Bike Your bicycle is motorized It has pedal assist up to 20 miles per hour It doesn’t have throttle Class 2 E-Bike Your bicycle is motorized It has pedal assist and throttle up to 20 miles per hour Class 3 E-Bike Your bicycle is motorized It has pedal assist up to 28 miles per hour It doesn’t have throttle If your e-bike falls into these three categories, the general rule of thumb is that it’s legal to ride without insurance. It’s important to note that your city, county, and even state may enact new laws enforcing mandatory insurance, however. Keep your eyes peeled for updates to make sure you aren’t…

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